All newly created profiles are by default Private.
The Facecard user has to Opt-In to make their details public.
They might have not done so yet or have chosen to use our App to securely share their details via mobile NFC
What is a vCard
a vCard is a digital file which can be shared via our App or downloaded from public profiles.
It can be saved on any smartphone directly to contacts.
We include all visible contact details as well as a photo of the profile onto the vCard
Private profiles can share vCards via our App when tapping with Mobile NFC
Acting on behalf of Behruz Investments (Pty) Ltd trading as Rawson Properties Pretoria East Tel: 012 997 3168 | Email | Registered with the PPRA | Operating as a Franchise in terms of a Franchise Agreement with Rawson Residential Franchises (Pty) Ltd